Happy New Year 2017

Dear One Heart friends,

I hope that you have had a joyous holiday season with your family and loved ones. I’m taking this opportunity to wish you a very happy, healthy, prosperous, harmonious and light filled New Year. May all your wishes and dreams come to fruition.

It’s a particularly exciting New Year. According to numerology 2017 is a number 1 year, the first year of the 9 year cycle – a year of New Beginnings. The natural energies of this year are very supportive of our endeavours. Furthermore, January is a number 1 month in this One year, so this month is exceptionally powerful for starting afresh. It’s not too late to shed that which no longer serves us and moving forward, start planning, setting goals and intentions for renewal, change, and breakthroughs in all areas of our lives.

I’m starting this year with a renewed focus on sharing the healing and enlightening powers of my essential oils and flower essences. Mother Nature has always offered us these precious gifts to help us stay balanced, nurtured, healthy and happy. With knowledge and love, we can very simply and easily enhance and even transform our lives by incorporating them into our daily routines. This year I’ll be offering various workshops on the healing and energetic properties of the One Heart essential oils and flower essences, both here in Australia and overseas.

‘’Walking in the Footsteps of the Magdalene” –
The Sacred Tour to South of France
is scheduled for June 30th – July 7th.
Mark your diaries – more information to come very soon.

This month I am offering a fun Summer Sale on all of my citrus essential oils


All Citrus essential oils help to remove toxins and blockages from our body and our Aura. Here are the energetic properties and prices of these ACTIVATED* essential oils, only at One Heart. Apply daily (citrus oils are photo toxic- do not sun bake with applied essential oils), diffuse, or take baths with a few drops:
• Bergamot Organic, Italy – Boosts self-confidence and self-esteem. Opens hearts to self love $23.70
• Clementine Organic, Spain – Rare. Removes any ill will or antagonism towards others, including that which has been projected onto us $32.70
• Grapefruit Red, USA- Opens our Crown Chakra and aligns us with our Spiritual will. Very elevating 13.70
• Lemon Organic, Steam Distilled, Italy – Master Aura cleanser & repairer from alcohol toxicity and damage: personal, genetic (inherited) or karmic. Repairs the nervous system $12.50
• Lime, Steam Distilled, Mexico – Master oil for spiritual inspiration and growth $14.70
• Mandarin Red organic, Italy – Releases past life traumas $28.70
• Orange Sweet organic, Italy – Heals Aura from all radiation damage, heals emotional abuse. Clears and ejects negative energies from our Aura $14.00
• Tangerine, USA – Heals, calms and strengthens the 3rd eye $12.70
• Yuzu, Japan – Master oil of protection for Light Workers. Another rare essential oil. A ” Must Have” for all healers and those on a Spiritual path $43.70
In addition to this fabulous sale – For all orders over $120 I will gift you our exquisite Alpine Lavender ($28.70). Lavender blends beautifully with all Citrus essential oils, and all the Citrus oils complement each other. You could make your own blend with all of them together.
I hope to hear from you and that you’ll stock up on these fabulous, juicy and zesty essential oils.

With many blessings,
Carol Asher

* I have been working energetically with flower essences and essential oils for over 25 years. I connect and commune with the devas of the plants to activate their full healing properties. This is one of the reasons that One Heart essential oils and flower essences are such effective healers and can bring about powerful shifts in consciousness. With every bottle of essential oil and flower essence, you are receiving a fully activated multi dimensional healing ‘energy team’ to work with.

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