One Heart offers workshops to support your healing process, your spiritual growth, or your work as a practitioner. These workshops are both educational and experiential. Join Carol for your journey of transformation.
Walking in the Footsteps of the Magdalene
Sacred Tour, Pilgrimage & Workshop. 10 days, 9 nights. Languedoc, South of France. June 25th – July 4th 2024.
Come join us on an incredible, life transforming journey to discover the power, wisdom and love of the Divine Feminine within you.
Download the program to find out more.
Shakti Healing Evenings – A Journey through the Chakras
You are warmly invited to participate in a powerful and nurturing 7 WEEK JOURNEY of meditation and healing, to bring balance into your life, by strengthening the flow of Shakti through your chakras.
Aromatherapy & Flower Essences Basics & Beyond
Awakening the Magdalene Essence – A Journey Through The Chakras
Follow in the footsteps of Mary Magdalene and reconnect with her ancient wisdom.
In this transformative 2 1/2-day workshop you will discover a new and exciting way of using flower essences and essential oils with a focus on their energetic and vibrational qualities and their use for, impact on and relevant therapeutic significance for the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels of being.
September 16th – 17th 2017 Port Willunga
Download full workshop information
Walking in the footsteps of the Magdalene – 2018
A journey to reawaken our sacred feminine self
Essential Oil Bath Therapy – heal and balance the energy bodies
Reviving an ancient spiritual practice
This healing modality was developed by Milli Austin, in the USA, with whom I have been personally trained and certified in 1998
‘One Heart’ Egyptian Goddess Sekhem Reiki: Level 1, 2, 3 & Teacher
Reiki is a holistic energy healing method that affects all levels of our being, bringing our body and mind into state a health and well being.